Short-Term Programs
We're committed to supporting short-term international programs, and we welcome collaboration with faculty and staff members as program leaders. We work with program leaders to mitigate the inherent risks of travel, with the health, safety and security of our international travelers as our paramount concern. Please direct any questions or interest in meeting to All program leaders are required to abide by University international travel procedures and adhere to the international program approval process.
Things have changed in 2025
In order to better meet the needs of our dedicated Program Leaders:
- DU Passport will no longer be used for program proposals
- We've replaced the conditional and final "proposal" and approvals with the Travelogue where you can tell us about your plans so we can best support them, that's right, no more conditional and final forms to fill out!
- Seeing an increase in mental health-related incidents, DU wants to support your ability to respond through a free certification course that's good for 3 years
- No need to guess at what's still left to be done and when, we'll send you a live, program-specific link to track progress on health and safety-related tasks on your way to a successful program
- Keep an eye out for new insurance benefits coming in summer 2025
Steps for Risk Review and Final Green Light
Step 1: Submit a "Travelogue" providing key information about each program you want to lead using this form: Travelogue
- Program Leaders will need to complete and have ready for upload the following two documents before submitting your Travelogue.
- Itinerary Template (We understand that you are in the early planning stages and this is temporary. We'll be asking for a final version closer to the departure date)
- Risk Assessment Template (This form will ask you to list specific risks inherent in your program and to rate their impact and probability. It is assumed that both Program Leaders will work on this form and equally understand the risks associated with this proposed travel.)
Step 2: International Travel Health and Safety will review the Travelogue and send both Program Leaders a program-specific link to track progress through milestone tasks before departure.
- These tasks include the Program Leader preparation courses, any applicable clearance to self-drive, and a final itinerary closer to departure.
- When all tasks are completed and risks have not significantly elevated, ITHS will give Program Leaders the Green Light for departure.
Step 3: Meet your students abroad, have a safe, educational, and fun time abroad knowing that ITHS and the rest of the DU community are here to support you.
*Note: Your department, UAP, UFS, your supervisor, or your vendors probably have other processes and asks that aren't covered here. Be sure to connect with everyone supporting your program throughout the process.
- Program Leaders will need to complete and have ready for upload the following two documents before submitting your Travelogue.
Travelogue Due Dates
New programs or recurring programs with substantial changes*
Program is intended to begin abroad: Travelogue must be received by: Autumn Quarter 2025 (Sept. 8-Nov. 20, 2025) Dec. 8, 2024-Feb.20, 2025 Winter Interterm 2025 (Nov. 21-Dec. 20, 2025) Feb. 21-March 20, 2025 Spring Interterm 2026 (March 21-March 29, 2026) June 21-June 29, 2025 Summer Session 2026 (June 13-August 21, 2026) Sept. 13-Nov. 21, 2025 Recurring programs without substantial changes*
Program is intended to begin abroad: Travelogue must be received by: Autumn Quarter 2025 (Sept. 8-Nov. 20, 2025) March 8-May 20, 2025 Winter Interterm 2025 (Nov. 21-Dec. 20, 2025) May 21-June 20, 2025 Spring Interterm 2026 (March 21-March 29, 2026) Sept. 21-Sept 29, 2025 Summer Session 2026 (June 13-August 21, 2026) Dec. 13, 2025-Feb. 21, 2026 *Dates are examples based off the academic calendar. Actual due dates will vary depending on program departure date.
*Examples of substantial changes are new destination(s), added "risky/adventurous" activities, primary vendors, both Program Leaders
Program Leader Preparation
There are two instructional requirements that all Program Leaders must complete before taking a group of students abroad.
- Program Leader Orientation: under "Taking Students Abroad."
- This must be completed once every calendar year during which one leads a program abroad.
- Fully online (Canvas), at one's own pace, and confirmed as complete by four short, non-scored quizzes.
- Must be completed no later than one month before departure.
- ITHS will periodically check for compliance.
- . Mental Health First Aid:
- This must be completed once every three years.
- 8-hour, in-person certification.
- Training dates are available at the link above with more added regularly. Email for more information and upcoming sessions.
- Evidence of certification can be uploaded to the Orientation above or emailed to
- Program Leader Orientation: under "Taking Students Abroad."
Registering Travel
All students traveling internationally on a University short-term program must register their travel in DU Passport (>>International Travel Registry). Programs administered by UAP are an exception to this requirement as students are registered by virtue of their application to the program. All faculty and staff traveling internationally for a University short-term program must book travel via Concur/Christopherson Business Travel to be considered "registered" (these are all ultimately the same booking engine).
Program Leaders who are not leading a UAP program will be asked to verify all their program participants have registered before departure. This is as easy as asking students to forward their registration confirmation email and letting know when everyone has done so. Program Leaders will see this as a task on their program-specific to-do list.
By registering in DU Passport or booking via Concur, the University will provide international emergency medical travel insurance, can assist in an emergency situation abroad, will provide important travel resources prior to departure, is able to more easily coordinate evacuation and repatriation benefits, and can better promote international efforts of all DU community members.
Failing to register travel in DU Passport or to book travel via Concur/CBT before leaving the U.S. can result in the disallowance of funding or academic credit and can impact the expense reimbursement process. If you are granted a rare exception from booking travel via Concur/CBT, employees can register travel in the International Travel Registry found at
Pre-Departure Orientation for Students
DU's International Travel Health and Safety team has developed a free, online course for your students as a means to provide baseline information on how to responsibly manage their own health, safety, and security while abroad and supplement your program-specific pre-departure meeting(s). Students may be directed to enroll in this Canvas course using this link found here under "Pre-departure Orientation":
With several years of data, we've found that among those who have completed the orientation course:
- 97.5% say they better understand the resources available to them
- 94.5% are more confident to go abroad than before (and 91% of them have been abroad)
- 90.5% say they would recommend the course to anyone traveling abroad
Program Leaders will be asked to verify all their program participants have completed this course before departure. This is as easy as asking students to enroll and to forward their confirmation of completion email, then letting know when everyone has done so. Program Leaders will see this as a task on their program-specific to-do list.
The course covers topics such as how to use the international travel medical/emergency insurance, what to expect when engaging with a new culture, and the many ways our Travel Assistance partner can assist while abroad. The course is split into three short modules. Each module has a video on the topic of "Travel Logistics, Staying Healthy, or Safety Abroad," useful supplemental information, and a short quiz. Upon completion of all the modules, the student will receive a confirmation email.
Incident Reporting
If you are a DU faculty or staff member who is made aware of an incident abroad involving a DU traveler, you must let International Travel Health and Safety know.
Reportable incidents include but are not limited to any medical, mental health, student conduct, sexual misconduct, and crime-related issues. See the Nature of Incident Definitions list for more details about reportable incidents.
To make reporting as easy as possible, you can simply email with the details, reach out on Teams, or submit an Incident Report.
Reporting is important to document details of an incident abroad, and to outline what actions have been taken so that International Travel Health and Safety can be ready to support you and your fellow also might be required by federal law.
All submitted information will remain private and will only be shared with relevant, need-to-know persons.
Worth Considering
The following considerations are meant to help you think through the program design stage to support the incorporation of appropriate health, safety, and security measures into your program along with a solid plan for logistical aspects. Reach out to International Travel Health and Safety at with questions or suggestions for changes to this list. The considerations below, by far, do not make up a comprehensive list. Leading a study abroad program is not easy or for everyone.
- What are the goals, objectives, and outcomes of this program?
- How will you assess if your program is meeting those goals, objectives, and outcomes?
- What is your reasoning for running this academic program at this time?
- When would you prefer to run the program?
- New program proposals are due no later than 9 months before departure.
- What risks will your students face to their health, safety, security, and well-being?
- Do you have the training and willingness to work with mental health and conduct issues that may arise during the program?
- Do you have the time and support to devote hundreds of hours to the program’s development and execution?
- Who will act as the 2nd Program Leader?
- How will you promote this program?
- How does running this program enrich you both personally and professionally?
- Will the curriculum be appealing to a broad number of DU students (i.e., not too niche)?
- Will the program be offered for credit?
- Can the course attached to the program fulfill specific DU degree requirements making it more appealing?
- How long will the program need to be abroad to achieve its goals?
- Does this program compete for participants with other programs (e.g., several programs in the same region, similar curriculum as another, etc.)?
- How does student conduct factor into your syllabus?
- Are there options to collaborate with others on campus to broaden the appeal of this program?
- How will your curriculum develop effectiveness in cross-cultural interactions, build cross-cultural awareness, and facilitate understanding of global issues?
- Will this program be open to undergraduates, graduates, or both?
- How will you choose which students may participate?
- How will you prioritize equity, diversity, and inclusion?
- What types of outreach efforts will you use to encourage historically underrepresented and underserved students to participate?
- Will there be a GPA requirement or conduct check?
- How will you prepare students for the experience?
- What ramifications will participants face if they do not comply with local government and/or program rules?
- How will you support a participant who needs to return home before the end of the program?
- How will your program leverage the unique learning opportunities of the destination?
- Are DU students interested in traveling to this destination?
- How familiar are you with the cultural values, norms, and language of the host community?
- Is there an alternative location that would offer similar academic outcomes with fewer health, safety, or security concerns?
- Does weather at the time of year you prefer to travel have the potential to impact the program’s success?
- Will there be holidays, elections, predictable strikes, etc. during the time you prefer to travel that could impact the program’s success?
- How easy and financially feasible is it to reach your destination(s)?
- Are there other health, safety, or security issues that are exacerbated by current events?
- Are there supply chain concerns that may be disruptive to your program?
- What is the closest clinic/hospital to your program’s activities? What is the standard of care?
- What form of accommodations will you use (e.g., hotels, homestays, Airbnb, tents, etc.)?
- How will you vet the accommodations for safety (e.g., locks on bedroom doors, smoke alarms, lighted emergency exits, mosquito nets, higher floors, stable balconies, guards, etc.)?
- Will this program move around or operate from a “home base?"
- How will you get the group from learning site to learning site?
- Is the program prepared to include students with disabilities?
- Will you run this program without the support of a vendor (i.e., tour guide, transportation company, etc.), with some support of a vendor, or almost completely by the vendor?
- Who has decision-making authority in the development of the program?
- Where will learning take place (e.g., classroom, field, etc.)?
- What activities and excursions will be included?
- Will the program be a continuation or an addition to an on-campus course?
- Will certain adventure activities require additional insurance?
- What kind of re-entry programming and support will you offer?
- Who will prepare and approve the budget?
- Will there be a minimum number of participants to make the program financially viable?
- How will the program be funded?
- What does the program fee include?
- Do you understand how contracts, agreements, and certificates of insurance are approved and signed at DU?
- How will you pay for goods and services while abroad?
- Will cash be necessary and are you legally allowed to bring enough?
- How will situations where the program is over budget be handled?
- How will you make students and other stakeholders aware of all program costs and financial policies?
- What financial aid or scholarships might be available to students?
- What level of support can your in-country contacts provide particularly in the event of an emergency?
- How does each partner benefit from the partnership?
- How will partners or vendors be vetted and arranged?
- Will you partner with an academic institution abroad?
- Is your partner one that specializes in the destination and scholastic programs?
- What might be the impact of your program on the local communities visited?
- How will your program respect the values and norms of the host community without imposing an undue burden on its resources?
- How do you actively promote respect for the cultures and values of the communities in which you want to operate?
- How will you support participants so they interact in a respectful, ethical, mindful, and sustainable way in the local community and toward one another?
- What are the goals, objectives, and outcomes of this program?
Transportation Policies
Hiring Group Transportation: As an inherently risky service, transportation (e.g., van/bus and driver) must be contracted regardless of dollar amount. As a service performed abroad, this contract and supplemental materials must be reviewed by Enterprise Risk Management and General Counsel. Understanding that not all providers abroad may meet US insurance standards or may be familiar with contracts, we have developed a contract template that supports various means to document health and safety standards with guidance on vetting possible providers.
Guidance on Vetting and Contracting Transportation Services
Agreement Template (OGC-approved template to be used for negotiation of general terms and documented vetting, and processed through Crimson Commerce)
Specific Trip Details Addendum (To be filled out with program need details regarding the agreed upon services for a specific program)
Reconsider self-driving: If other reputable transportation options exist that can support your program needs, International Travel Health and Safety suggests using them.
Prerequisites to Self-Drive: Before driving a motor vehicle abroad as part of a University short-term program, an individual must: (1) review DU Driving procedures; (2) satisfactorily complete a review by Enterprise Risk Management of their personal motor vehicle driving record (MVR); and complete an online Driver Safety Training course (3) Should have the experience and confidence in their ability to drive the type of vehicle to be rented in the program destination(s), with a full understanding that they may be taking on personal liability. For more details and instructions, read about DU's driver responsibility policies. Note, DU-owned automobiles may not be driven in Mexico as doing such is specifically excluded from our insurance policy.
Rental Car Insurance: DU‘s auto insurance does not have international coverage. The University requires you to buy both liability and vehicle damage protection to ensure adequate coverage and potentially easier in-country claims handling in the event of an accident. Enterprise Risk Management recommends that you also purchase supplemental liability protection, if available. If a rental car does not have insurance to cover an accident or incident, any costs related to the accident or incident must be paid for by the driver’s department or organization.
Please see below for information on the different types of car rental insurance coverages:
- Collision Damage Waiver (CDW), Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) or Physical Damage Waiver (PDW): With this coverage, the rental company waives all or part of its costs if the rental car is stolen or damaged by accident or vandalism, as long as the renter complies with the terms of the rental agreement (for instance, the car cannot be driven by an unauthorized driver or driven recklessly).
- Personal Accident Insurance (PAI): This coverage provides medical, ambulance, and death benefits for the renter and passengers of the rental car in the event of an accident.
- Supplemental Liability Protection (SLP), Additional Liability Insurance (ALI), Liability Insurance Supplement (LIS) or Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI): This coverage usually provides $1 million or $2 million of additional liability protection.
If your rental vehicle is damaged, be sure to adhere to the car rental company's policies, take notes and photos of the damage, keep all paperwork and promptly report the damage to Enterprise Risk Management.
Even with the recommended insurance coverage, there may be a deductible in case of a claim. The individual or department renting the vehicle is responsible for paying any deductible amount.
Other Driving Policies: Vehicular accidents are the number one cause of non-natural death and injury to U.S. citizens abroad. DU policy prohibits students from operating motor vehicles while abroad unless a specific exception has been made by the International Travel Committee. DU policy prohibits persons leading or participating in short-term programs from renting and/or operating 15-passenger vans. Fifteen-passenger vans present significant rollover hazards, require special training to operate and are not covered by DU's liability insurance. It is permissible to rent 12-passenger vans or smaller.
Also, DU policy prohibits driving after sunset and before dawn in foreign countries because of the increased risks posed by limited sightlines in unfamiliar areas.